2018年9月25日 星期二


磐虹科技股份有限公司」是一個「社會企業(Social Enterprise)」,設立的宗旨在於接續「SEL」和「KSI」之工作完成富裕台灣的工具「電子商店系統(簡稱電商系統,TES)」,此乃關乎維持台灣產業在21世紀的競爭優勢,於是在199811月提出申請時,末任建設廳長林將財先生很快地核准公司設立不久後,林廳長轉任監察院監察委員,而台灣省政府則被「精省」掉各式各樣的社會亂象紛紛出籠,其中以「貪腐集團」傷害這地這民為最。
社會企業家兼電商系統發明人丁玲虹(Linda Din),為了實現「創新產業、解決失業」的使命目標,自1986年走出廚房創業,創辦社會企業SEL—Sanhornic Enterprise Ltd.(盛虹企業股份有限公司),自食其力實現其使命;俟其發明獲得相當程度的成果之後,於1998年以KSI(K-Horn Science Inc.)董事長的身份在APEC正式提案「Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)中譯「電子商務」通過,領航計畫於焉啟動,這也是創設磐虹以專注於完成電商系統,贏得APEC 2003最佳實例,期能促使台灣擺脫海島型經濟的宿命,升級為全球發單的「海洋型經濟」大國的緣由;然而,卻遭到海島惡徒結合公器連番肆虐,造成最佳實例之延宕,導致於在APEC 2006領袖會議形成各經濟體政經領袖的「反貪腐」共識,磐虹(Panhornic ComMec, PC)成為反貪腐的代名詞,PCperishing corruption(滅貪)更是各經濟體領袖致力的目標。
磐虹科技股份有限公司接續SELKSI的工作是艱鉅的,卻也很快完成TES研發的最後階段;為了達成商用的目的以富裕台灣,突破台灣在國際政治空間的被轄制,於是設立開曼群島和美國的「Panhornic ComMec Holding Company (磐虹科技控股公司,PCH)」,計畫從理財活動切入,引進115億美元資金,建置「ICT控制中心」於台灣高雄,同時進行美國和日本50萬套「VAM」之示範應用,進而輻射至全球市場,台灣將首度主導全球主流科技社會。隸屬於控股公司的台灣磐虹科技股份有限公司則專司研發及製造。

APEC 2006領袖會議時,自費舉辦「最佳實例論壇」的澳洲政府欲了解丁玲虹提案的「Global Channel(全球通路)-TES」的進度,聽了以上的簡述,完全不敢相信,與會者不約而同地說「bizarre(太怪了)」,同時表示:「You’re persecuted by your government!(你們被你們的政府迫害了)」大家頓時發現「Corruption(貪腐)」是經濟正向發展的元凶,爰此,定義迫害者為「the Entities of Corruption (貪腐集團)」,「entity」使用複數係因貪腐包括「公私部門、政商掛勾」;從此,「Anti-Corruption (反貪腐)」全球延燒,直到最近終於蔓延至海島海島貪腐集團已經不能再以「非聯合國會員」而逍遙法外821在台北舉行的「反貪腐審查會議」可見一斑;同時,台灣的「磐虹科技股份有限公司」也如貪腐所願予以註銷,只留國外的PCH。海島當局的智慧正被考驗著到底要站在公義的一方呢?抑或持續姑息貪腐集團?

美國發明專利(Linda Din Invention)
http://tnews.cc/07/newscon86121.htm (APEC 2018高峰會之數位經濟)

2018年8月25日 星期六


反貪腐(Anti-Corruption)」倡議源自於「富裕台灣計畫」。立昌為實現富裕台灣的使命目標,投入了金錢、心血、智慧及無數的相關資源,把富裕台灣的工具帶至世間,帶到世界。詎料,海島惡徒攔路搶劫,並且利用公器把發明人鬥臭鬥垮;而在APEC 2006領袖會議時,由於海島惡徒的重重杯葛,天地的主宰安排我住進了各國政經領袖聚集的蘇菲特爾酒店,發起設立APEC的澳洲代表欲了解我們在APEC 2003贏得最佳實例「全球通路-TES」之提案進度,聽聞我們受到檢警調加國稅局肆虐的過程,大家不約而同地說:「You’re persecuted by your government (你們被迫害了)!」包括來自UN/OECD及各經濟體的代表決議把「反貪腐(Anti-Corruption)」列為長程議題。經過12年之後,2018821,來自聯合國、澳洲、新加坡的代表,參加海島當局舉辦的首次「反貪審查會議」。
立昌的反貪腐倡議終於有個具體成效,惟台灣已經錯失成為數位經濟時代「超級強權」的良機倘若能在2000520日即時延續我們在APEC促成的電商法案及政策,公器不把精力用在於「persecute(迫害)」富裕台灣的工具—APEC最佳實例「全球通路-TES」的發明人丁玲虹(Linda Din)的話,台灣早已經有了今年(2018)APEC領袖會議將要討論的「ICT控制中心大數據基礎建設協助新興產業從家中延伸至世界各地,達成「人在家中做、賺得世界錢」之目標。
可惜,時不我予矣;不過,層峰若有魄力把那些各國政經領袖定義的「the Entities of Corruption(貪腐集團)」及「theft()」繩之以法,把應得的權益返還給發明人國際知名的APEC 1998E-Commerce(電子商務)」提案人丁玲虹(Linda Din),台灣還有機會成為新科技經濟系統(TES)時代的領航員。國際政治空間受到轄制的台灣,在經濟上還有一條出路畢竟全球通路-TES」是富裕台灣的工具,澳洲政府引以為傲的APEC 2003最佳實例政策的最佳實例(the Best Practice)


美國發明專利(Linda Din Invention)
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4t68cw (台灣第三部門與資訊社會的發展)
http://pkforac.blogspot.com/2018/08/blog-post.html (富裕台灣及反貪腐會議)

http://tnews.cc/07/newscon86121.htm (APEC 2018高峰會之數位經濟)

2018年8月24日 星期五


同時在台北,聯合國要求而召開的「反貪腐國際審查會議」由副總統陳建仁宣示:「承諾履行聯合國反貪公約的規定,積極檢討反貪腐的情形---」這是海島貪腐集團首腦在APEC 2006領袖會議向郭立昌嗆聲道:「啊,台灣『不是聯合國的會員』,管不著我們的啦----」經過12年,舉辦的正式會議;可惜,台灣已經錯失「APEC最佳實例」那10兆美元商機的最佳時機,惟若能把握今年11月的APEC領袖會議,復興台灣的經濟仍是有可行性。
發起創設APEC的澳洲政府邀請APEC最佳實例」提案人丁玲虹到越南河內APEC 2006領袖會議報告進度,居然飽受海島惡徒杯葛;不過,天地的主宰卻默默地動了奇妙的工,報紙報導「郭立昌即將前往越南河內參加2006年領袖會議(APEC CEO SUMMIT)的消息。
2006APEC高峰會,聽見了「消滅貧窮(Poverty Reduction)」的聲音,也聽到「需要一條通路(Channel)」的聲音。在國際重大會議裡,大家都能關心窮人了;關心窮人、就是注重人權;人溺己溺」的精神被拿出來討論。各國政經領袖知道有一條全球通路(Global Channel)是可多國參與的貿易系統,可以幫助人們在其上活得尊嚴;郭立昌和丁玲虹開路、也開成了;雖然,惡人耗費心力地搬運絆腳石,但終究是自砸腳掌。
諾貝爾和平獎的得主,孟加拉的穆罕默德‧尤努斯博士的「濟貧、扶貧→脫離貧窮」小額信貸,也是在會後的話題熱點。最佳實例(the Best Practice) 全球通路-TES」成了會議的高潮,並且延續至2007APEC討論,成為一個「儘速執行(expedite)」的政策(Policy)最重要的是「落實所會面臨的貪腐問題」,因此郭立昌提議的「反貪腐(Anti-Corruption)」普獲認同秘魯代表則表達高度接受之意,也真的在2008APEC發表「利馬反貪宣言」。
20081123APEC領袖們在秘魯提出了「利馬反貪宣言」。領袖們說:「不管是政府與民間的『貪腐』,犯罪集團相互勾結,對社會與經濟的發展皆產生嚴重的威脅,出現合法經濟被剝削的情況。」「我們同意運用集體的影響力,以反貪腐及其相關跨國的不受歡迎的網絡,推動廉能政府,支持公私夥伴關係(Public-Private Partnerships, PPP)培養合法交易、正直市場及透明的財務制度,我們知道『貪腐罪犯化(the criminalization of corruption)』能大大地便利區域的合作。」
大會使用「Combating(戰鬥)」來宣示反貪的決心,將之視為一場戰爭,務必要得勝,俾力挽狂瀾。為支持稍早前大家反貪的承諾,領袖們讚揚會員經濟體致力發展廣泛的反貪腐策略,這些努力包括「重建公信力(the public trust)」、保護對抗金融系統經由財務情報及法律執行的濫用,賄款及不受歡迎的洗錢事件。這些反貪腐活動,經由亞太經合會到聯合國反貪會議(UN Convention Against Corruption, UNCAC),鼓勵經濟體承認及落實其正當性;大家支持修改金融行動專案小組,推薦其合法性。
領袖們歡迎利馬的反貪腐宣言,促進合法的金融交易,經由有效的公私夥伴關係、及亞太經合會指導方針,在公私行動中全力對抗貪腐集團;他們使用「deliberate(有計劃性的) disruptions(破壞)」這兩個字,解釋貪腐集團使用不當的權力與資源進行非經濟性的干擾,惡意地迫害與滋擾合法企業,都是違法的。
這才知道:「我們為解決失業而量身訂做的創新產業,已顧及人權層面,為的就是維護勞工權益,新科技也有兼顧環保;只是忽略了貪腐集團的存在,而被迫在原地轉圈圈。」經過多年的宣揚,如今社會責任宣言中的「人權、勞工福利、環保、反貪」成了主題,「反貪」成了年度領袖會議的結論。(郭立昌,2009152-153回顧200611月越南河內APEC領袖會議時,我們討論到「反貪(Anti-Corruption)」的議題,各國政經領袖都有一個共同的回應,就是:「你們被迫害了(persecuted)!」(郭立昌,2009157)如今「反貪腐(Anti-Corruption)」終於從海島到APEC→OECD(經濟合作暨發展組織)→WTO (世貿組織)→UN(聯合國),成為普世的主流價值觀!
學員們不敢置信地回應:「怎會扼殺10兆美元的金流流進台灣?」「怎會斷送2571億美元的商機?」「蛤!電子商務是我們台灣人倡議的!還有各國智慧財產權!」主講人郭立昌提起「社會責任投資」,社會是一群人居住之處,責任是回應問題的能力,為了未雨綢繆避免台灣陷入困境,電商系統發明人丁玲虹在1986年才啟動「社會責任投資」,正式命名為「富裕台灣計畫」;為了富裕台灣而發明了「利用厚生」的工具傳智卡、感應式交易讀取裝置、交通工具電子付費中置---等等,組成電子商店(VAM & eStore),在1998年就爭取到國際法源依據,竟然自公元兩千年520日以降遭到重重且持續的攻擊,「反貪腐」變成同仇敵慨的共識,漣漪效應於焉產生。原本預計15:00~16:00的講座,談到了18:00才依依不捨散場磁力線已經擴散出去了!
根據《聯合新聞網》報導,中華民國聯合國反貪腐公約首次國家報告國際審查會議今天在人事行政總處公務人力發展學院舉行,邀請在國際透明組織前任主席José Ugaz、防制洗錢金融行動工作組織前執行長Rick McDonell新加坡大學榮譽教授Jon S.T. Quah、澳洲反貪腐與廉政高級顧問Peter Ritchie、韓國京畿道教育廳督察長Geo-Sung KIM等人擔任審查委員,另請新加坡駐台北商務辦事處黃偉權代表與會。由副總統陳建仁先生致詞,台灣20169月公布聯合國反貪腐公約自主承諾履行公約的規定,積極檢討反貪腐的情形,階段性審查時,台灣已經公布首次國家報告、舉行國際審查會議,顯見台灣對於反貪腐的積極和用心。亦彰顯「反貪腐」已經不可忽視更不能敷衍了事,公權力必須針對貪腐集團有所行動。從2006APEC領袖會議至今12年,郭立昌表示:「感謝天地的主宰,感謝國際友人的鼎力相挺!」反貪腐的浪潮將為台灣帶來新氣象。

http://apec-experiences.blogspot.tw/ (To Meet the Bogor Goal by TES)
http://ldkh107.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post.html (國家不花錢的重大建設)
http://tnews.cc/07/newscon66479.htm (賴來賴去很方便)

http://tnews.cc/07/newscon86121.htm (APEC 2018高峰會之數位經濟)

Anti-corruption in Lima

2016/8/12關於「利馬反貪宣言(the Declaration of Corruption in Lima)」緣起之報導:
Anti-Corruption and Transparency (ACT) Experts' Working Group
APEC Leaders committed to implementing general and area-specific APEC Transparency Standards in Los Cabos in 2002 and in Bangkok in 2003. In Chile in 2004, APEC Economic Leaders acknowledged that corruption is a serious threat to sustainable economic growth, good governance, market integrity, and enhanced trade and investment. Senior officials approved a recommendation by APEC Anti-Corruption Experts to establish the Anti-Corruption Experts’ Task Force.
ACT was upgraded to a working group status in March 2011 following the task force’s recommendation in 2010 to institutionalize it work, with the purpose of coordinating the implementation of the Santiago Commitment to Fight Corruption and Ensure Transparency, the APEC Course of Action and the APEC Transparency Standards. It also promotes cooperation in areas of extradition, legal assistance and judicial/law enforcement (especially asset forfeiture and recovery).In 2014 the ACT Working Group adopted the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption. The ACT is open to anti-corruption experts and law enforcement officials from all interested APEC member economies, APEC Observers (namely ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council), and representatives from the APEC Secretariat and the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).
For more information on APEC Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts' Working Group Terms of Reference, see Downloads.
Last page update: 12 August 2016

Current Activities

The 22nd ACTWG meeting was held in Lima, Peru on 23 February 2016.

Key Deliverables

2nd APEC Network of Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET) Meeting

The second ACT-NET meeting was held in Cebu on 23 August 2015. Members supported the goal of the ACT-NET on establishing and developing an inter-economy network that connects anti-corruption and law enforcement officers. This serves to enhance informal cross-border cooperation between agencies responsible for investigations and prosecutions of corruption, bribery, money laundering, and illicit trade and the identification and return of the proceeds of those crimes. Focal points met for the second time and had the opportunity to continue their joint efforts by discussing fugitive repatriation and informal international cooperation, including multilateral task forces, combating international corruption cases and cross-border law enforcement operations. Building regional capacity for asset recovery and anti-money laundering was an additional focus, detailing cases and special operations, as well as information seeking and step-by-step guides on cross-border cooperation in bribery and ongoing prosecution cases.

The 3rd ACT-NET Meeting will take place on 16 August 2016 in Lima, Peru.

Implementing the UN Convention against Corruption

In the APEC Economic Leaders Declaration, Vladivostok, Russia 2012, Leaders encouraged members to fully implement the UN Convention against Corruption.  Brunei Darussalam, Chile, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea, Chinese Taipei, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam shared their reports on developments and progress in implementing the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and other domestic initiatives and legal advances related to anti-corruption and transparency.

Collaboration with Other Multilateral Organizations

Representatives from Transparency International, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, the INTERPOL, and the American Bar Association (ABA) shared their reports on recent activities related to transparency and anticorruption and possible opportunities for collaboration with ACTWG.

Handbook on Prosecuting Corruption and Money Laundering Cases

Chile and Thailand presented the Handbook "Designing Best Models on Prosecuting Corruption and Money Laundering Cases Using Financial Flow Tracking Techniques and Investigative Intelligence for Effective Conviction and Asset Recovery to Promote Regional Economic Integration.” This handbook highlights the best tools to deal with investigation and prosecution of complex criminal cases of corruption and money laundering. The 3rd workshop was held on 24 August 2015, in Cebu, Philippines.

Workshops in 2016

A workshop on “Facing Foreign Bribery”, where economies shared experiences on their domestic initiatives, was held on 22 February in Lima, Peru, and organized by the High-Level Commission on Anti-Corruption of Peru. The activity addressed two main topics: the legal framework for foreign bribery, and the liability of legal persons for bribery.
A workshop on “Anti-bribery Compliance Programs and Incentives”, co-chaired by Peru and the United States will be held on 15 August in Lima, Peru.  

Workshops and Projects in 2015

Workshop on the Role of Stakeholders in Fighting Corruption’, organized by the Office of the 
Ombudsman, Philippines, was attended by more than sixty participants, which was inaugurated by the Overall Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur H. Carandang, 2015 ACT-NET Chair The sessions included Capacity Assessment of the Anti-Corruption Infrastructure in the Philippines; Role of Financial Intelligence Units in Tracking Corruption; Role of Government Auditing in Fighting Corruption; Role of Media in Fighting Corruption.

APEC Pathfinder Dialogue II: Partnerships for Sustainable Security Strengthening the Fight 

Against Corruption and Illicit Trade:

Anti-corruption authorities, customs bureaus, and law enforcement agencies’ representatives had the opportunity to combine their collaborative efforts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking in the Asia-Pacific by going through an overview of strategic drivers, and practical examples of poly-crime threat convergence and key elements of multi-agency and international cooperation to combat corruption and criminal convergence, as well as by exchanging information on strengthening customs and border security practices. This event also included breakout sessions that explored the essential role of the private sector in keeping supply chains free of products obtained by corruption, fraud, and other illicit means, and also on developing best practices for combating corruption in the environment, to include, wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, and illegal fishing.

The APEC Pathfinder Dialogue III will be held on 18-19 August 2016 in Lima, Peru.

APEC ACT-OECD Roundtable on Combatting Corruption Related to Trafficking in Persons:

Members had the chance to identify best practices at the domestic and regional level in combating corruption related to trafficking in persons, as well as to explore draft principles that address these issues jointly. The aim of the OECD Principles on Combating Corruption Related to Trafficking in Persons was discussed and provided a useful reference for economies intending to establish, modify, or complement a framework to address trafficking-related corruption. The focused on corruption that facilitates human trafficking, which aimed to highlight the importance of combating corrupt law enforcement agents who facilitate the recruitment, transportation and exploitation of trafficking victims, and corrupt criminal justice authorities that help traffickers by obstructing investigations and prosecutions of cases as well as hinder the protection of victims of trafficking. The APEC – OECD Roundtable showed the beginning of a process to slow down the levels of human trafficking in the Asia-Pacific region through honest dialogue about corruption associated with human trafficking; the challenges on enforcing anti-trafficking law; highlighting the gaps necessary to develop more holistic anti-trafficking frameworks; and a recognition that we must better enhance the capacity of investigators, labor inspectors, prosecutors, and judges, and improve cross-border information-sharing arrangements that enable more joint investigations.

Upcoming Workshops and Events

The next ACT meeting will be held on 17 August 2016, in Lima, Peru.


ACTWG economies are expected to submit the individual final reports on implementation of APEC Anti-Corruption Commitments.

In 2007, the ACT developed a Code of Conduct for Business; Conduct Principles for Public Officials; andComplementary Anti-Corruption Principles for the Public and Private Sectors. APEC Leaders endorsed these codes, as well as the 2007 Statement on Actions for Fighting Corruption through Improved International Legal Cooperation. These codes are being implemented through the provision of capacity building seminars to government and law enforcement officials, civil society representatives, chambers of commerce and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In 2009, the ACT focused on governance and anti-corruption. ACT members agreed on the following two documents, which were endorsed by APEC Ministers in November 2009:
* Singapore Declaration on Combating Corruption, Strengthening Governance and Enhancing Institutional Integrity; and
* APEC Guidelines on Enhancing Governance and Anti-Corruption.
The Singapore Declaration reaffirms the commitment of APEC economies towards creating a framework of transparency and accountability to strengthen governance and institutional integrity.
The APEC Guidelines makes recommendations on the following areas broadly:
* Establishing legal, enforcement and regulatory frameworks;
* Cultivating a culture of governance and anti-corruption across all sectors;
* Implementing measures, processes, and standards that promote transparency and accountability;
* Enhancing public-private sector cooperation and dialogue.

In November 2010, APEC Leaders met in Yokohama, Japan and adopted “The Yokohama Vision – Bogor and Beyond,” which provides a roadmap for member economies to realize the collective vision of an economically-integrated, robust and secure APEC community in the 21st Century. In the Declaration, APEC Leaders recommitted to continue efforts to fight corruption and promote transparency, including leveraging collective action to combat illicit trade and dismantle transnational illicit networks across the Asia-Pacific region. APEC Leaders also called for improved and regular reporting by APEC on its efforts to meet our commitments in this area to build a secure community in the region.

Pablo Sanchez Velarde (Mr)
National Prosecutor and President of the High Level Anti-Corruption Commission of Peru
Email: rcornejo@pcm.gob.pe
Program Director

Taiwan BEST sunk to corruption

Taiwan BEST sunk to corruption
Written by Li-Chang Kuo
Taiwan BEST” which was presented at APEC 1998 to explain that “Why Taiwan is standing firmly around the furious storms” for encouraging those economies suffered in the Asia Financial-Crisis 1997 and providing a way out of the disasters, the result was to win the enthusiastic applauses in addition to the Bill of “Electronic Commerce” (E-Commerce); moreover, “Taiwan BEST” is being sure of what those economies hope for restoration. At the meantime, Taiwan led the world into the Information Society and our “Project Rich-Taiwan” should be accomplished. On the contrary, Taiwan our beloved hometown in the past 12 years sunk to an island of corruption, and people in the suffering.
We’ve been complying with the Calling of resolving the jobless problem as received in 1986 to proceed the “Social Responsibility Investment” (SRI)—to do a “Profitable Business” for running the affairs of “Social Benefit” to the needy with all our mind, with all our strength for approaching the mission goal—“Everyone has job and every family has bread”; and our invention really earned the substantial achievements such as “Contactless TranSmart Card & TRD” were applied over all the world to benefit millions of people. Yet, we’re besieged by the entities of corruption on Taiwan until nothing left.
For addressing the needs of SMEs, we’re invited to contribute a proposal “Global Channel-TES” at “Growing the APEC SMEs Exporters Community II: A Business Perspective” of APEC 2003 to win the best practice of strengthening the economy society, that seminar hosted by the Australia’s self-fund in order to improve the imbalanced economy development of the Asia-Pacific region. And unfortunately, the ‘Best Practice’ also exposed the huge commercial interests that coveted by the corruptive groups, and we’re attacked by those corruptive groups up to now that causes the best practice “Global Channel-TES” can not be implemented to avoid the economic plague.
The corruptive groups who have been attacking through the “Money hooks with the public authorities”, they operated the judicial system and by means of both “Apparent Spears plus Invisible Arrows” and viciously to do the action of destroying the nest to us. They thoroughly despised that the international regulations of “The Investment and Intellectual Property Rights must be protected”. The corruptive evildoers declared that “Taiwan is not a member of UN (United Nations)…” The head of corruption said to me that “You’re no way out because all the officials of Taiwan are my men, what can you do to escape my hands?” in Hanoi Vietnam at APEC CEO Summit 2006, even though he was defined by the other delegates as “the Entity of Corruption”.
How much the commercial interests are?” For instance, Toller (contactless toll reading device, TRD) which is one of components of “Global Channel-TES” can be applied on the fields of transaction and identification, Toller has two major functions as LDT (long distance transmission) and NFC (near field communication), “The seminar held in Princeton Junction, NJ this April 23, the estimation with more than half a billion NFC-enabled handsets to be available by 2014,” said Randy Vanderhoof, Executive Director of the Smart Card Alliance, “There is so much buzz around the growth of mobile payments in the United States, with predictions that they will hit $214 billion by 2014.– We predicted at the seminar 2011 in Princeton Junction, NJ. But which of the many possible approaches.” There are other components such as VAM, eStore, eToken and etc in the “Global Channel-TES” which was confirmed by the leaders that “This is an invention of the strategic economy” at APEC CEO Summit 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Originally, Taiwan is not only able to rich, but also leads the new economic world to the civil society of righteousness. However, the entities of corruption ruined everything.
Recently, “TI” (Transparency International), the Berlin-based organization released “2013 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB)” report on 9 July to explore survey respondents' personal experiences of paying bribes for government services and their perception of the integrity of their countries' major public institutions. TI’s finding that 36 percent of people in the country who had used any of eight government services in the past year had paid a bribe, that was the third highest percentage of the 14 countries in the Asia-Pacific region surveyed, Taiwan ranked in the same category as Indonesia and was only above Cambodia and Bangladesh among the 14 Asia-Pacific countries covered in the corruption survey. The 2013 GCB was based on the results of interviews with a total of 114,000 people across 107 countries worldwide between September 2012 and March this year (2013), regarding their perceptions of the various institutions in their countries and how their governments were battling corruption.
TI's 2013 GCB sparked skepticism by the public sector of Taiwan for the figure far above past TI surveys. "We have full confidence in the results of the GCB survey, including those for Taiwan," said Finn Heinrich, research director of the TI Secretariat, to the Central News Agency (CNA) by e-mail. "As is standard practice, the GCB survey data underwent a series of internal and external validity checks, including verification by an independent survey methodology expert," Heinrich responded.
A marked “Not Vetted by CNN” News Headlines: “Taiwanese Soldier Was Murdered by Taiwanese Government” posted on 15 July to say that “The Taiwanese army yesterday apologized for the death of a soldier and promised to punish personnel responsible for the incident. Hung Chung-Chiu (洪仲丘), a soldier performing compulsory service in the army’s sixth regiment, died three days before he was due to complete his term of service. The army said Hung was scheduled to leave the military on Saturday. On June 23 he was found carrying a cellphone with a camera and an MP3 player after returning from vacation, and was placed in confinement on June 28. The army said Hung’s confinement ended on Wednesday last week. At 4:30pm that day, he joined a 45-minute routine training session with fellow soldiers, which included running, push-ups, sit-ups and other activities. At 5:30pm, Hung told his supervisors that he felt ‘very sick’. He was sent to a military hospital in Hsinchu County and was later transferred to the Tri-Service General Hospital, where he died the next day, the army said. Hung’s parents believe their son died from heat exhaustion. They said Hung, who was sick when placed in confinement, was asked to join a training session in very hot weather immediately upon his release, adding that the army is responsible for his death.”
Hung Chung-Chiu who was a squad leader of corporal as served in the army, according to the military provisions; he should not be put into the confinement room. After the Pundits of TV Political Talk Shows continually dug the truth to pull out a long list of incredible criminal fabric of the unit where Hung’s service. People seeing the very ugly dark side from the top level of brigade to the sergeants constructed a strong criminal structure that were not only concerned the level of bribe but murdered to a promising young man. Hung graduated from National Cheng Kung University majored in traffic management, and admitted to two graduate schools, he thought finished the obligation of military service at first, then accordance with his life plan to proceed his studies. Unexpectedly, he aggrieved to die in the illegal confinement before leave the army only three days. Hung’s death exposed either ugly or darkness of Taiwan, and the ugly darkness existed for long time, it concerned that definite authority to definite corruption. The civil society of Taiwan starting to do the reflections about “Indulging to result the wicked evildoers”.
Taiwan is a Promised Land of God, yet the devil schemes around the island, including the tycoon hooked with politicians to loot the things not belong to them, and the best practice of APEC has been laid waste; moreover, the other criminal fabric exposed under the sun but the cost was high far from imagination. Hoping that people who live in the land can be awaken by the teachings.
Author Li-Chang Kuo, the Creator of Taiwan Precision Industry, the Pathfinder of New Economy Model and the Representative of APEC CEO Summits.