2018年8月24日 星期五

SRI & Fighting Corruption

Written by Li-Chang Kuo
SRI’ means a social responsibility investment of ‘not-for-profit’ and ‘to resolve the social dilemmas’. When I attended the APEC CEO Summit 2009 in Singapore, the delegates asked about the obstacles of the best practice “Global Channel-TES” of APEC 2003, I responded that “The Corruption is major obstacle and it must be vanished!
APEC CEO Summit 2010 just closed in Yokohama, Japan, the 2010 Leaders' Declaration reaffirmed that “Path toward a secure community: We will continue our efforts to fight corruption and promote transparency, and call for improved and regular reporting by APEC on its efforts to meet our commitments in this area. We will further develop practical disaster risk management mechanisms to strengthen the ability of our economies to manage emergencies and natural disasters.”
The disasters came from the entities of corruption more than those natures; the corruption brought the ‘debts, poverty and hunger’ to harm the daily lives of people. We’ve been making many efforts to proceed the SRI (social responsibility investment) for the only reason is to avoid the economic plague; however, we did not count the means of corruption that can let all the achievement to be in vain. Consequently, I proclaimed that “Anti-Corruption” at APEC CEO Summit 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Fortunately, I received the common understanding from the leaders of the economy bodies.
The achievement of SRI was we officially presented at APEC 2003 and admired as a best guidance for 240 million people starting their businesses in addition to the ‘Best Practice’ of strengthening the economic society. The humanity value was the original concept before the commercial interests. But we must invent the instrumental solution for resolving the social dilemma, so that “Contactless TranSmart Card (e-money), TRD (transaction reading device), VAM, eStore, TES” and related technologies must be developed such as Contatless, RFID, Transmission and etc. that creating tremendous business opportunities for new jobs to resolve the jobless problems. Yet, in the eyes of the corruptive evildoers, above mentioned opportunities have become their hunted and reached their money hooks with the public authorities to process their plots and to do evil openly. The consequence is to hinder the implementation of the best practice for the needy.
One of purposes of the achievement of SRI “Global Channel-TES” is for attaining the ‘Bogor Goal Declaration’ to build a multilateral trading system by the people through voluntary service to others; to help the goods of vulnerable enterprises can be free movement around the world. In short, to help people work at home and earn the world money. So that “Global Channel-TES” is a welfare channel for social benefit, not for profit. However, those corruptive evildoers despised that “International Regulation”, and the head of corruption of Taiwan told that “All the officials are my men, what you can do? And surely, you’re no way out!
I’m glad to see that Leaders declared in Yokohama to show firmly for fighting the corruption that will safeguard the fundamental tenets of human security throughout the region, and call upon all member economies to continue to work to improve our collective ability to provide for this security by taking concrete steps to minimize, prepare against, and respond to serious threats that could derail the regional economy. Fighting corruption will help all peoples in the region maintain a reasonable standard of living. Leaders also identified and implemented initiatives to secure the region's economic systems from terrorist attack, disruption, and misuse, counter terrorism financing, facilitate trade recovery, and enhance cybersecurity.
Nowadays, it’s not only reaffirmed the importance of fighting corruption by APEC, but also the Berlin-based organization—TI (Transparency International) identified their mission is to stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of society, their vision is . A world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. TI renewed their push to make integrity and accountability cornerstones of business, government and society. And this year’s subject is “A crime against society” because it’s from assets stolen, to officials bought with bribes, to dodgy deals in the public and private sectors; corruption is a crime against society. TI defined that “Corruption is a crime against society” in 2010; and around the world, Transparency International (TI) continued to support those efforts. With 40 Advocacy and Legal Advice Centers established, our chapters received and responded to more citizens’ corruption complaints than ever.
Although we’re still persecuted by the corruptive entities plus public authorities till nothing left. However, in the Promise of my Lord Almighty, I’m still preaching the good news of peace, to open the way for next generation, and never give up to proclaim the benefits of social responsibility investment (SRI), and to contribute that the way of rebuilding the global economy, and gained the ‘Economic Stimulus Policies’; my incubator was reminded at APEC CEO Summit again that causes the 3I (innovation, investment, incubation) become a great trend, a new tide is being come up as highly driving force for restoration of the world economy. Meanwhile, the corruptive evildoers will be vanished by the great trend of fighting corruption.
Author Li-Chang Kuo, the Creator of Taiwan Precision Industry, the Pathfinder of New Economy Model and the Representative of APEC CEO Summits.