2018年8月24日 星期五

Taiwan BEST sunk to corruption

Taiwan BEST sunk to corruption
Written by Li-Chang Kuo
Taiwan BEST” which was presented at APEC 1998 to explain that “Why Taiwan is standing firmly around the furious storms” for encouraging those economies suffered in the Asia Financial-Crisis 1997 and providing a way out of the disasters, the result was to win the enthusiastic applauses in addition to the Bill of “Electronic Commerce” (E-Commerce); moreover, “Taiwan BEST” is being sure of what those economies hope for restoration. At the meantime, Taiwan led the world into the Information Society and our “Project Rich-Taiwan” should be accomplished. On the contrary, Taiwan our beloved hometown in the past 12 years sunk to an island of corruption, and people in the suffering.
We’ve been complying with the Calling of resolving the jobless problem as received in 1986 to proceed the “Social Responsibility Investment” (SRI)—to do a “Profitable Business” for running the affairs of “Social Benefit” to the needy with all our mind, with all our strength for approaching the mission goal—“Everyone has job and every family has bread”; and our invention really earned the substantial achievements such as “Contactless TranSmart Card & TRD” were applied over all the world to benefit millions of people. Yet, we’re besieged by the entities of corruption on Taiwan until nothing left.
For addressing the needs of SMEs, we’re invited to contribute a proposal “Global Channel-TES” at “Growing the APEC SMEs Exporters Community II: A Business Perspective” of APEC 2003 to win the best practice of strengthening the economy society, that seminar hosted by the Australia’s self-fund in order to improve the imbalanced economy development of the Asia-Pacific region. And unfortunately, the ‘Best Practice’ also exposed the huge commercial interests that coveted by the corruptive groups, and we’re attacked by those corruptive groups up to now that causes the best practice “Global Channel-TES” can not be implemented to avoid the economic plague.
The corruptive groups who have been attacking through the “Money hooks with the public authorities”, they operated the judicial system and by means of both “Apparent Spears plus Invisible Arrows” and viciously to do the action of destroying the nest to us. They thoroughly despised that the international regulations of “The Investment and Intellectual Property Rights must be protected”. The corruptive evildoers declared that “Taiwan is not a member of UN (United Nations)…” The head of corruption said to me that “You’re no way out because all the officials of Taiwan are my men, what can you do to escape my hands?” in Hanoi Vietnam at APEC CEO Summit 2006, even though he was defined by the other delegates as “the Entity of Corruption”.
How much the commercial interests are?” For instance, Toller (contactless toll reading device, TRD) which is one of components of “Global Channel-TES” can be applied on the fields of transaction and identification, Toller has two major functions as LDT (long distance transmission) and NFC (near field communication), “The seminar held in Princeton Junction, NJ this April 23, the estimation with more than half a billion NFC-enabled handsets to be available by 2014,” said Randy Vanderhoof, Executive Director of the Smart Card Alliance, “There is so much buzz around the growth of mobile payments in the United States, with predictions that they will hit $214 billion by 2014.– We predicted at the seminar 2011 in Princeton Junction, NJ. But which of the many possible approaches.” There are other components such as VAM, eStore, eToken and etc in the “Global Channel-TES” which was confirmed by the leaders that “This is an invention of the strategic economy” at APEC CEO Summit 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Originally, Taiwan is not only able to rich, but also leads the new economic world to the civil society of righteousness. However, the entities of corruption ruined everything.
Recently, “TI” (Transparency International), the Berlin-based organization released “2013 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB)” report on 9 July to explore survey respondents' personal experiences of paying bribes for government services and their perception of the integrity of their countries' major public institutions. TI’s finding that 36 percent of people in the country who had used any of eight government services in the past year had paid a bribe, that was the third highest percentage of the 14 countries in the Asia-Pacific region surveyed, Taiwan ranked in the same category as Indonesia and was only above Cambodia and Bangladesh among the 14 Asia-Pacific countries covered in the corruption survey. The 2013 GCB was based on the results of interviews with a total of 114,000 people across 107 countries worldwide between September 2012 and March this year (2013), regarding their perceptions of the various institutions in their countries and how their governments were battling corruption.
TI's 2013 GCB sparked skepticism by the public sector of Taiwan for the figure far above past TI surveys. "We have full confidence in the results of the GCB survey, including those for Taiwan," said Finn Heinrich, research director of the TI Secretariat, to the Central News Agency (CNA) by e-mail. "As is standard practice, the GCB survey data underwent a series of internal and external validity checks, including verification by an independent survey methodology expert," Heinrich responded.
A marked “Not Vetted by CNN” News Headlines: “Taiwanese Soldier Was Murdered by Taiwanese Government” posted on 15 July to say that “The Taiwanese army yesterday apologized for the death of a soldier and promised to punish personnel responsible for the incident. Hung Chung-Chiu (洪仲丘), a soldier performing compulsory service in the army’s sixth regiment, died three days before he was due to complete his term of service. The army said Hung was scheduled to leave the military on Saturday. On June 23 he was found carrying a cellphone with a camera and an MP3 player after returning from vacation, and was placed in confinement on June 28. The army said Hung’s confinement ended on Wednesday last week. At 4:30pm that day, he joined a 45-minute routine training session with fellow soldiers, which included running, push-ups, sit-ups and other activities. At 5:30pm, Hung told his supervisors that he felt ‘very sick’. He was sent to a military hospital in Hsinchu County and was later transferred to the Tri-Service General Hospital, where he died the next day, the army said. Hung’s parents believe their son died from heat exhaustion. They said Hung, who was sick when placed in confinement, was asked to join a training session in very hot weather immediately upon his release, adding that the army is responsible for his death.”
Hung Chung-Chiu who was a squad leader of corporal as served in the army, according to the military provisions; he should not be put into the confinement room. After the Pundits of TV Political Talk Shows continually dug the truth to pull out a long list of incredible criminal fabric of the unit where Hung’s service. People seeing the very ugly dark side from the top level of brigade to the sergeants constructed a strong criminal structure that were not only concerned the level of bribe but murdered to a promising young man. Hung graduated from National Cheng Kung University majored in traffic management, and admitted to two graduate schools, he thought finished the obligation of military service at first, then accordance with his life plan to proceed his studies. Unexpectedly, he aggrieved to die in the illegal confinement before leave the army only three days. Hung’s death exposed either ugly or darkness of Taiwan, and the ugly darkness existed for long time, it concerned that definite authority to definite corruption. The civil society of Taiwan starting to do the reflections about “Indulging to result the wicked evildoers”.
Taiwan is a Promised Land of God, yet the devil schemes around the island, including the tycoon hooked with politicians to loot the things not belong to them, and the best practice of APEC has been laid waste; moreover, the other criminal fabric exposed under the sun but the cost was high far from imagination. Hoping that people who live in the land can be awaken by the teachings.
Author Li-Chang Kuo, the Creator of Taiwan Precision Industry, the Pathfinder of New Economy Model and the Representative of APEC CEO Summits.